Sunday, March 27, 2011

A page from a "Statesman's Diary".

"I want to do", rather " I wish things be done". So do I really want to do what I wish be done. I mean, certainly in my mind I have no doubt that I want to do things but then at the same time I wish things be done too, not necessarily by me but only so far from me that I can say " I did it"(I can have the credit for it). So is "I want to do" always in anticipation of the consequential "I did it". For if I did something I would certainly wish to say that I did it but does this thought occupy me every time I say "I want to do". For if it does it simply means I do something just so that it be known that I did it. Or would I mind, if it may be unknown that I did it for if it wouldn't, it shouldn't. And yes there remains the ultimate question of " I want but I can't" for if I know already that saying "I did it " is out of the question, if "I can't do it" and can't have the credit for it( much more important), why would I want to do it. But, do I really want something I can't or is it just one of the irregular verbs:-
I can't
You shan't
He shouldn't
It is awfully frightening also, when :
"Someone could" but "He shouldn't",
"Someone couldn't" but "He should have".
All in all
what "I do" is what "I did";
but what others do is what "they could"
what "I didn't", "I couldn't;
" but what others didn't, they "shouldn't have anyway"
is what I say


what "I do", "I could";
what others do is what "they did";
what " I didn't" , "I wouldn't have";
but what "others didn't", "others couldn't" ;
is what they(my opposition,of course) say.

Frightfully funny,isn't it.

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